Highlights for me were the two side-by-side set warehouses that make up two objectives. There are three objective points with open-ended flags that allow for vehicles to pressure and takeover, while the remaining three are closed off and need an infantry presence to effectively attack. Trees are growing through the industrial buildings' broken roofs, and flashy graffiti covers many of their walls, made by anti-war groups of this universe. It's more naturally dirty and worn down than the maps we've seen so far for 2042. Set in Czechia, the new map presents a war-torn industrial environment that's been overtaken by nature. If you ever played Battlefield 4's Zavod 311 map, the new arena may feel a little familiar. Due to the lower player count and smaller map area, you won't find any jets or transport choppers on this map, though almost everything else, hardware wise, is fair game. You read that right, and the only way to play Reclaimed in 128-mode is to spin up a custom Portal session, though I would hate to see the absolute meat grinder that it would be. DICE confirmed that this is the smallest map yet to hit the game, designed from the ground up to be 64-player centric.

Diving right in, my first impression of Reclaimed was just how small it felt compared to other maps of 2042.